A Space to Ponder

A Space to Ponder

Norma Slack

Today I’m sharing some points about journalling and how it can be  good for you.

To journal is to regularly note down your thoughts, feelings and day to day experiences. Doing this is said to improve mental wellbeing by increasing mindfulness and reducing stress. This in turn can improve sleep.

Writing things down helps you process your thoughts and feelings which in turn calms your mind and reduces anxiety. It can also help you understand yourself and your own behaviour better. This insight can then enable you to discover solutions to problems you may be encountering in your life.

A journal can be a place to capture ideas, express creativity and set goals. It can be a keeper of inspirational thoughts and quotes and a space for reflection and expressing gratitude. The act of writing in a quiet comfortable setting can be a relaxing experience helping you to focus on the present and be mindful of what you are grateful for.

To enjoy some of the benefits of journaling, why not create a little routine for yourself. Keep it simple by just writing for a few minutes. A good place to start is to write down one thing you are grateful for in your life every day. You could do it when you first get up or before you go to sleep at night.

If you feel you want to take it a step further then try creating your own little space to ponder.

First make yourself a comforting warming drink. Then gather up your journal and a favourite pen and find yourself a cosy corner where you can be alone. If it’s a chilly day wrap up in a blanket or pull a seat up beside the fire. Take a deep breath and sit with your thoughts for a while. Then just start writing. It doesn’t have to make sense just note down whatever comes into your head, get it out of your mind and onto the page. Let the pen take you where it wants to go. When you’re finished, take another deep breath and sit again with your thoughts. Focus on the things you are grateful for and write at least one of them down in your journal. Now relax, enjoy your drink and this precious moment that is just for you.

Check out my art journals and see if one could find a home with you or become a perfect gift for a friend.

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